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Østbirk skole er blevet godkendt til et Erasmus+ projekt, hvor projekttitlen er: The planet needs you- facts, activities and hope

Vi arbejder sammen med fire andre skoler i Europa omkring projektet, som er finansieret af EU, de fire skoler er to tyske skoler (en fra Bayern og en fra Nordrhein- Westfalen), en spansk skole og en islandsk skole. 

Eleverne i 9. klasse kan vælge dette som et valgfag. Der vil være et møde på hver skole, hvor der hver gang skal ca. 8 elever med fra alle skolerne, dvs. der vil samlet være ca. 60 unge mennesker hver gang. Eleverne indkvarteres hos en værtsfamilie i det pågældende land. Projektet strækker sig over to år, hvor vi regner med at vi skal være værter i december 2021, men der er mange usikkerheder pga. Coronasituationen i Europa pt.

Målene med projektet er at øge elevernes bevidsthed omkring global opvarmning, sammenligne klimaforandringer og hvordan de påvirker mennesker forskellige steder i Europa, samt drøfte hvordan eleverne kan hjælpe med at løse det globale problem via forskellige initiativer forskellige steder i Europa.

Valgfaget Internationalisering

Internationalisering (Global studies) er faget, der træner dine interkulturelle kompetencer, og du bliver klogere på, hvad det vil sige at være medborger i det globale samfund. 

Fagligt og kulturelt arbejder vi lokalt, nationalt og globalt for at give dig forskellige perspektiver, og for at du også ved hvad din egen kultur står for i mødet med det det nye og anderledes.  

Vi skal samarbejde med andre skoler i Europa, hvor arbejdssproget er engelsk. Du skal være klar på at fremlægge forskellige projekter på engelsk for en stor gruppe, og du skal være klar på mødet med andre europæere.

Du skal kunne samarbejde med andre unge europæere, vi skal sammenligne skolesystemer og klimaproblematikker i de forskellige europæiske lande, vi skal også sammenligne unges ligheder, forskelle og muligheder i de forskellige lande. 

I løbet af skoleåret vil der være besøg på mindst to af de medvirkende skoler, og her skal elever fra skolen deltage, enten som værter eller som besøgende, dvs. der er en studietur til mindst en af de andre skoler i løbet af året.


  • At blive aktive og ansvarlige globale borgere. 
  • At styrke de interkulturelle kompetencer. 
  • At styrke det engelske sprog, og være i stand til at bruge det i det globale perspektiv, både i og uden for klasseværelset.  



Please describe the motivation for your project and explain why it should be funded.


Nearly all the participating partners have worked together in at least one previous Erasmus+project and as that one worked out really well we decided to give students and teachers alike another opportunity to work together internationally. In this new project we welcome one new partner as in the school from Ostbirk. Our last project was dealing with refugees and the problems caused by immigration and, as a lot of people not only flee their countries for political reasons of persecution but also because of effects of climate change, we think that this project we have put together now is in fact a follow up project which is as important as the one before. As mentioned in the "European Green Deal for the European Union (EU) and its citizens" we want to help to fulfill "the Commission’s commitment to tackling climate and environmental-related challenges"  because "that is this generation’s defining task".The problems caused by climate change will increase in the future if people all over the world do not realize how important it is to care more about our environment. People must understand why governments take certain measures. Otherwise, they will not support them. Our students are the generation that is affected most by changes and if they see what should be done and why, they will change their lifestyle and also tell this to their parents and classmates and so awareness and understanding will be brought into the midst of society and thus will be most effective. We know that our students will be very motivated to take part in this project because now each participating school student get an insight of the individual problems caused by climate change in the different countries. With this awareness they build up a sensitisation and solidarity between the european partners. They get the possibility to know examples of good practice which they can implement and muliplicate in their own school and community. With all the activities we like to show that every small step can make a big difference in fighting climate change.   Therefore, we are really sure that all of the above reasons show why our project should be funded.


What are the objectives you would like to achieve and concrete results you would like to produce? How are these objectives linked to the priorities you have selected?


Our group has decided to build a project based around the theme of climate change with the aim o f increasing awareness of the cause and effect of global warming across the whole of Europe. We will compare how climate changes effects students and people in different locations in Europe and how our students can help taking measurements into their areas. The outcome of the project will be to develop resources in a range of different media and objects and involve the experiences of external agencies.The first objective is having a look at how climate has changed areas in the participating countries and make these experiences aware to all participants. The second step is to find out which measurements have already been taken in each country to minimize these effects. We also want students to reflect on their own behaviour and consent on improvements they c ould do themselves. It is very important for young people to find positive role models like Greta Thunberg. The outcomes of all these activities are a magazine for each school with all the results of the project,  a guidebook for each schools with rules to be agreed on what all the students can do at s chool to protect the environment, ( e.g. posters at school, implementation in the homework planner, display on school screens), shopping bags made out of old T-shirts / jeans with the project logo.  All these activities  will be done in transnational groups. During our first meeting students will produce a logo and slogan for our project. We are also going to create a w ebsite where we upload all our results to see for everyone who is interested in it. With our project we are raising awareness about environmental and climate-change challenges. By various p ractical  workshops (e.g guidebook, artwork, interviews), visits and g uided tours with external partners we will develop competences in various sustainability-relevant sectors           (ecological farming, windmills).By carrying out different kinds of research (Alpes, plastic Iceland) we develop skills strategies s o that all participants will become true factors of change.By the work in our workshops students w ill be enabled to reflect on their lifestyles and consumption habits and therefore will have the chance to    change their habits. 

Students involved in the project will be able to work in international groups and will be able to have a  greater awareness of diversity in different countries and so will       be more understanding and tolerant towards other cultures and nations. So they will be well prepared for future jobs in companies all over E urope. Students will be greater prepared for life after education and be ready t o work with multinational groups.Through the project we aim not only to look into different cultural differences but also prepare o ur students to have a career in ecological jobs and building a society with intercultural competency. If this project was not transnational we would be unable to share our different experiences to i ncrease awareness.



How are the planned activities going to lead to achievement of the project's objectives ?


Our objectives are to raise awareness to climate change in different European countries, through field trips , guided tours and research activities. so that students can participate in democratic life and engage themselves socially and civically. Our second objective which is about different measurements which have already been implemented in the different regions will be reached by students g etting to know renewable sources of energy, visiting t he Augsburg stadium, visiting the geothermal power plant in Iceland, visiting a n organic farm, visiting in  interactive exhibition centre. Our third objective is t o make students think about what they can contribute themselves to prevent climate change. Therefore t hey will produce a guidebook, T-shirts and a magazine,  in mixed national workshop groups.There will be also a task about swapping clothes.  On the last evening of each meeting there will be a presentation of           the participating students about the goals they have reached so far.         To this presentation all the host families and the whole hosting school community will be invited to share the results.